[Opendnssec-user] enforce zone looping?

Dennis Baaten dennis at baaten.com
Tue Nov 14 17:42:15 UTC 2017

Here we go again. This is beginning to look like my personal mailing list. :-)

Yesterday, I got the following output. Notice the date of next transition: 2017-11-14 14:36:34.

root at traxotic [/var/lib/opendnssec/signconf]$ ods-enforcer key list --verbose | grep dennisbaaten
key list completed in 0 seconds.
dennisbaaten.com                ZSK      retire    2017-11-14 14:36:34      2048  8          ce3507796d7c176695bbfdc18f100fc6 SoftHSM     52924
dennisbaaten.com                ZSK      active    2017-11-14 14:36:34      2048  8          49bad7794a2e2c4d5f44755f33317982 SoftHSM     11619
dennisbaaten.com                KSK      active    2017-11-14 14:36:34      4096  8          f82e46fa26d4772c3b09db259aa41a30 SoftHSM     59792
dennisbaaten.com                ZSK      retire    2017-11-14 14:36:34      2048  8          75602642359504fa4d1decc0d7ab37e4 SoftHSM     40563
dennisbaaten.com                KSK      publish   2017-11-14 14:36:34      4096  8          27384557fb5980c2b8fff0139e0d76e9 SoftHSM     32179
dennisbaaten.com                ZSK      publish   2017-11-14 14:36:34      2048  8          925276e53f3ac23420b34ed5f24d4892 SoftHSM     58128

Today, at 14:36 nothing happened. I was an expecting a KSK 'ready' state and a request to upload the new public key to the registry. 
In an attempt to clarify this, I checked syslog but I cannot find anything useful. ODS is however quite chatty (logging SQL statements and stuff), so it's easy to miss something. 

But then I check the queue (ods-enforcer queue). Output below (I left out the tasks for other domains)

All worker threads idle.
There are 7 tasks scheduled.
It is now Tue Nov 14 18:20:20 2017 (1510680020 seconds since epoch)
Next task scheduled Tue Nov 14 18:20:32 2017 (1510680032 seconds since epoch)
On Tue Nov 14 18:20:34 2017 I will enforce zone dennisbaaten.com

According to this output, I was literally seconds away from the next task. So after 18:20:34 I checked again.

All worker threads idle.
There are 7 tasks scheduled.
It is now Tue Nov 14 18:20:54 2017 (1510680054 seconds since epoch)
Next task scheduled Tue Nov 14 18:21:32 2017 (1510680092 seconds since epoch)
On Tue Nov 14 18:21:34 2017 I will enforce zone dennisbaaten.com

The task had shifted 1 minute to the future. So after after a couple of minutes I checked again.

All worker threads idle.
There are 7 tasks scheduled.
It is now Tue Nov 14 18:24:37 2017 (1510680277 seconds since epoch)
Next task scheduled Tue Nov 14 18:25:32 2017 (1510680332 seconds since epoch)
On Tue Nov 14 18:25:34 2017 I will enforce zone dennisbaaten.com

Again the tasked has shifted to the future. This happens every minute and just keeps going. It looks like some kind of 'enforcement loop'.

Any thoughts?


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