[Opendnssec-user] Problem replacing CNAME in 1.4.0a2.

Matthijs Mekking matthijs at nlnetlabs.nl
Thu Jun 28 10:30:47 UTC 2012

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Hi Fred,

This is not a known issue (well until now that is). I am trying to hit
this, but when I replace a CNAME like that with an A record, the
signer seems happy:

Jun 28 12:26:33 zoidberg ods-signerd: [cmdhandler] received command
sign pletterpet.nl[18]
Jun 28 12:26:33 zoidberg ods-signerd: [cmdhandler] zone pletterpet.nl
scheduled for immediate re-sign
Jun 28 12:26:33 zoidberg ods-signerd: [worker[1]] read zone pletterpet.nl
Jun 28 12:26:33 zoidberg ods-signerd: [adapter] read zone
pletterpet.nl from file input adapter
Jun 28 12:26:33 zoidberg ods-signerd: [adapter] zone pletterpet.nl set
soa ttl to 360
Jun 28 12:26:33 zoidberg ods-signerd: [adapter] zone pletterpet.nl set
soa minimum to 360
Jun 28 12:26:33 zoidberg ods-signerd: [adapter] zone pletterpet.nl set
soa serial to 10
Jun 28 12:26:33 zoidberg ods-signerd: [worker[1]] sign zone pletterpet.nl
Jun 28 12:26:33 zoidberg ods-signerd: [worker[1]] write zone pletterpet.nl
Jun 28 12:26:33 zoidberg ods-signerd: [adapter] write zone
pletterpet.nl serial 10 to output file adapter
Jun 28 12:26:33 zoidberg ods-signerd: [STATS] pletterpet.nl RR[count=1
time=0(sec)] NSEC3[count=0 time=0(sec)] RRSIG[new=1 reused=21
time=0(sec) avg=0(sig/sec)] TOTAL[time=0(sec)]

Perhaps you can give me off list the zone contents before and after?

Best regards,


On 06/28/2012 11:42 AM, Fred Zwarts (KVI) wrote:
> We currently use OpenDNSSEC 1.4.0a2 in a Linux SLES11SP2 x86_64 
> environment.
> In one of the zones we had a CNAME record :
> sms.kvi.nl.    CNAME  srv002.kvi.nl.
> For several reasons we changed the it in a new version of the zone
> file into:
> sms.kvi.nl.          A
> Of course, also the SOA serial was updated.
> Now the signer refused to sign the new zone file. In the systemlog
> we saw the messages:
> Jun 28 11:15:40 kvivs13 ods-signerd: [rrset] CNAME and other data
> at the same name: <sms.kvi.nl,CNAME> Jun 28 11:15:40 kvivs13
> ods-signerd: [adapter] unable to read file: zonefile contains
> errors Jun 28 11:15:40 kvivs13 ods-signerd: [tools] unable to read
> zone KVI.nl: adapter failed (Conflict detected) Jun 28 11:15:40
> kvivs13 ods-signerd: [worker[1]] backoff task [read] for zone
> KVI.nl with 480 seconds
> We checked and double-checked, but there is no CNAME anymore for 
> sms.kvi.nl in the unsigned zone. We could work around this problem,
> by first deleting all records for sms.kvi.nl, sign the zone,
> introduce the new records for sms.kvi.nl and sign the zone again
> (each time, of course, incrementing the SOA serial).
> I suspect that this is a bug in the code. I could not find it in
> the archives of this mailing list, nor in the KNOWN_ISSUES list, so
> I think it is worthwhile to mention it here.
> Fred.Zwarts.
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