[Opendnssec-user] key for ripe

Sander Smeenk ssmeenk at freshdot.net
Wed Jun 20 12:28:11 UTC 2012

Quoting Bas van den Dikkenberg (bas at dikkenberg.net):

> How do i get the value of reverse dns zone for ripe out opendnssec DB ?
> If want to use dnsec for my reverse zone in need to put ds-rdata in the ripe db.
> How do I get the needed sting for ripe ?

You should have your in-addr.arpa zone configured in OpenDNSSEC. It
works just like regular domain names so it should have a KSK and a ZSK
if you look them up:

 $ ods-ksmutil key list --zone $your_in.addr.arpa.zone

Refer to the ods-ksmutil manual page to find out how to get the DS
records! (Tip: see 'key export')

With regards,
| A good way to deal with predators is to taste terrible.
| 4096R/20CC6CD2 - 6D40 1A20 B9AA 87D4 84C7  FBD6 F3A9 9442 20CC 6CD2

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