[Opendnssec-user] signed crash (1.3.4)

Gilles Massen gilles.massen at restena.lu
Wed Dec 21 09:37:24 UTC 2011

Hi Jerry,

I'm trying to narrow things down, but I'd need some information: I
recently upgraded from 1.2.1 to 1.3.4 (i.e. about a week ago on the
backup, and yesterday on the main signer). It looks as if most temp
files in var/opendnssec/tmp are no longer in use. Could you please
confirm that, and let me know in two words what is left, and what is the
purpose (or where I could read it up)?

I'm asking because so far I found this: the main signer was logging in
level 5 (because I was chasing something else). It didn't produce any
output while dying, but it's last words were:

ods-signerd: [data] nsecify3: opt-out (unsigned delegation) :

Now it happens that that specific domain got a new delegation and it's
DS removed yesterday. There was an export and signing before the crash
with the new delegation which went through - so it's not a 100% thing,
but probability strongly points that way...


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