[Opendnssec-user] Error returned from ds-seen command

Sebastian Castro sebastian at nzrs.net.nz
Tue Aug 30 20:24:24 UTC 2011

On 30/08/11 21:26, Rick van Rein wrote:
> Hello Sion,
>>> Aug 29 23:29:06 adleman ods-ksmutil: Key b42bd6fdf74f35d6de657aaa9e941282
>>> made active
>>> Aug 29 23:30:31 adleman ods-ksmutil: Key ebc75c93e13d28f3f55570bfb9471c73
>>> made active
>> I'm confused by the wrapper script output... It seems that two different
>> keys are being made active? Or is this the output of two runs of the script?
> Not sure why these are mentioned in this order, they confused me too.
> It is probably orthogonal to what I am reporting: The keys belong to
> different zones, both of which I had independently sent a ds-seen command,
> so I think something caused a deferred log entry or invocation related to
> key ebc75...c73
>> What return code do you see if you run without your wrapper script?
> The script-reported code is 255*256, and is what is returned by Python's
> os.system or the C call system().  The return code from ods-ksmutil
> (confirmed with an independent call through the $? variable) is 255.

Here at .NZ we are seeing the same. Within ods-ksmutil, there are some
functions giving -1 as a return code, which later is used as exit status
for exit(). That's translated by the OS to 255 in $?

Just to provide an example, when you first activate a KSK (first
ds-seen) there is no KSK to retire, causing ods-ksmutil to return 255 as
exit status.

Although not serious it's kind of annoying if you are wrapping
OpenDNSSEC calls with scripts as Rick is doing.


>> Can you send me a copy of the script, off-list is fine, so I can see 
>> what is going on?
> Will do.
> Cheers,
>  -Rick
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Sebastian Castro
DNS Specialist
.nz Registry Services (New Zealand Domain Name Registry Limited)
desk: +64 4 495 2337
mobile: +64 21 400535

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