[Opendnssec-user] SCA6000 + Ubuntu

Jaromír Talíř jaromir.talir at nic.cz
Tue Nov 24 15:30:19 UTC 2009


we have SCA6000 installed in Sparc T2000 with Solaris 10. I successfully
managed to run opendnssec on Solaris using this HSM. The problem si that
it's extremely slow. I guess that this is not a problem of HSM but
Solaris itself. For example just sorting zonefile using
libexec/opendnssec/sorter took about 5 minutes but on my low end
notebook it took 45s. Could be that the problem is Solaris, Sparc,
nonoptimal compilation flags or whatever. 

During the workshop few weeks ago you mentioned that you are using this
SCA6000 with Ubuntu. Is it possible for you to share details about
installation procedure? Are you patching kernel? Are you patching
drivers? That would help us a lot.


Jaromir Talir
technicky reditel / Chief Technical Officer
CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.  --    .cz domain registry
Americka 23, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic
mailto:jaromir.talir at nic.cz  http://nic.cz/
sip:jaromir.talir at nic.cz tel:+420.222745107
mob:+420.739632712       fax:+420.222745112
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