[Opendnssec-user] ods-enforcerd: [hsm_key_factory_delete_key] unable to remove key

Stefan Ubbink Stefan.Ubbink at sidn.nl
Wed Mar 3 10:44:44 UTC 2021


I'm running OpenDNSSEC 2.1.8 in our acceptance environment and when I
try to purge keys from the politie zone it gives the message in the

I run the following command:
root at ede1-signa1:~# ods-enforcer key purge --zone politie --delete
No keys to purge for politie 
Found no keys to delete from HSM
root at ede1-signa1:~#

The logging shows the following:
Mar  3 11:34:09 ede1-signa1 ods-enforcerd: received command key purge --zone politie --delete
Mar  3 11:34:09 ede1-signa1 ods-enforcerd: [hsm_key_factory_delete_key] looking for keys to purge from HSM
Mar  3 11:34:09 ede1-signa1 ods-enforcerd: [hsm_key_factory_delete_key] unable to remove key cc4a433a33a40fce18717beea330a3d1

And I can understand that is unable to delete this key from the HSM,
because it is no longer available in the HSM:
root at ede1-signa1:~# ods-hsmutil list HSM-OTA | grep cc4a433a33a40fce18717beea330a3d1
root at ede1-signa1:~#

How can I tell OpenDNSSEC that this key has already been removed from
the HSM and it should no longer try to remove it from the HSM.
I thought about removing it from hsmKey table in the MySQL database
directly. But I don't know if this has any side effects.

Stefan Ubbink
DNS & Systems Engineer
Present: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri
SIDN | Meander 501 | 6825 MD | ARNHEM | The Netherlands
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