[Opendnssec-user] Restarting 2.1.6 after long semi-idle...

Stefan Ubbink Stefan.Ubbink at sidn.nl
Wed Feb 17 07:59:15 UTC 2021

On Wed, 17 Feb 2021 08:43:12 +0100 (CET)
Havard Eidnes via Opendnssec-user
<opendnssec-user at lists.opendnssec.org> wrote:

> Hm,

Hello Håvard,

> it looks like I'll have to follow up on this one, sadly.  I left
> ods-signerd running overnight, and when I came to attend to it in
> the morning it had crashed at exactly the same spot.  I found the
> zone file it was working on at that time and moved it away
> (forcing a re-transfer), but there were no *.xfrd-state files
> around this time.
> So...  Does anyone have any suggestions for how to narrow in on
> the root cause of this problem, chase down the bad assumption,
> and get it fixed?

Yesterday a new RC has been released [1] which fixes a signer crash. You
could try to use that version to see if it stays alive.


Stefan Ubbink
DNS & Systems Engineer
Present: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri
SIDN | Meander 501 | 6825 MD | ARNHEM | The Netherlands
T +31 (0)26 352 55 00
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