[Opendnssec-user] MySQL server has gone away

Thomas E. list at crashcom.info
Mon Nov 6 11:45:12 UTC 2017


I running OpenDNSSEC Version 2.1.3 on Debian Jessie with Mysql DB
Version 5.5.58.

The ODS-Enforcer seems to lose connection to the MySQL DB after a
certain amount of time:

Nov  6 02:02:35 ods ods-enforcerd: DB prepare SQL SELECT zone.id,
zone.rev, zone.policyId, zone.name, zone.signconfNeedsWriting,
zone.signconfPath, zone.nextChange, zone.ttlEndDs, zone.ttlEndDk,
zone.ttlEndRs, zone.rollKskNow, zone
.rollZskNow, zone.rollCskNow, zone.inputAdapterType,
zone.inputAdapterUri, zone.outputAdapterType, zone.outputAdapterUri,
zone.nextKskRoll, zone.nextZskRoll, zone.nextCskRoll FROM zone WHERE
zone.name = ?
Nov  6 02:02:35 ods ods-enforcerd: DB prepare Err 2006: MySQL server has
gone away

Has anyone experienced the same issue? Is this somehow related to any
kind of connection-pooling or anything like this?

Thanks a lot,

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