[Opendnssec-user] upgrade debian Jessie to Stretch: database trouble

Dennis Baaten dennis at baaten.com
Fri Nov 3 09:48:32 UTC 2017

Thanks. I was able to execute ods-migrate without errors. 
When trying to start opendnssec-enforcer and opendnssec-signer, I encounter some errors:

ods-enforcerd[16404]: [engine] hsm_get_slot_id(): could not find token with the name OpenDNSSEC

The directory /var/lib/softhsm/tokens/6c6007b7-e40a-6c29-b8a9-eefb00f452e3/ does exists and contains a number of files (I believe the contents were created based on the old /var/lib/softhsm/slot0.db).

ods-signerd: ObjectStore.cpp(74): Failed to open token 6c6007b7-e40a-6c29-b8a9-eefb00f452e3
ods-signerd: [hsm] hsm_get_slot_id(): could not find token with the name OpenDNSSEC

Probably related to the enforcerd error. /etc/opendnssec/conf.xml contains: <TokenLabel>OpenDNSSEC</TokenLabel>.

Could this be related to the fact that (based on the instructions of Casper) I did not migrate to "/var/lib/opendnssec/tokens/" but to "/var/lib/softhsm/tokens"? I did this because I previously got the error: "softhsm2-util: ObjectStore.cpp(59): Failed to enumerate object store in /var/lib/softhsm/tokens/". 

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