[Opendnssec-user] termination of obs2 DelegationSignerSubmitCommand input stream missing?

PGNet Dev pgnet.dev at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 21:35:15 UTC 2016

in ods2, I've defined

	cat conf.xml

where, with a simplified form of contrib/simple-dnskey-mailer/simple-dnskey-mailer.sh,

	cat /home/scripts/ods/keymailer.sh
		RECIPIENT="adm+ods at example.com"
		cat | mail -s "New keys from OpenDNSSEC" ${RECIPIENT}
	chmod +x /home/scripts/ods/keymailer.sh


	RECIPIENT="adm+ods at example.com"
	mail -s "New keys from OpenDNSSEC" ${RECIPIENT}

waits indefinitely for input termination.

terminating with

	RECIPIENT="adm+ods at example.com"
	mail -s "New keys from OpenDNSSEC" ${RECIPIENT} < /dev/null

works just fine. as does

	RECIPIENT="adm+ods at example.com"
	mail -s "New keys from OpenDNSSEC"  ${RECIPIENT}

but on key signing,

	/usr/local/opendnssec/sbin/ods-enforcer zone add -z example.info -p lab

no mail's sent "by" ods.  in logs (verbosity == 8),

	tail -f /var/log/messages | egrep -i "mail|notif"

		Dec 19 13:25:58 dns ods-enforcerd: [signconf_cmd] signconf done for zone example.com, notifying signer
		Dec 19 13:26:02 dns ods-signerd: [fifo] threshold 1 reached, notify drudgers
		Dec 19 13:26:05 dns ods-signerd: [tools] forward a notify
		Dec 19 13:26:05 dns ods-signerd: [dnshandler] forwarded notify: 6 bytes sent

I suspect it's waiting for termination.

IIUC, when the input stream closes, it should include termination, no?

IS there a terminator on the input stream's closure?  Must it be added?

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