[Opendnssec-user] Playing with 2.0.1

Yuri Schaeffer yuri at nlnetlabs.nl
Tue Aug 30 15:20:58 UTC 2016

Hi Mark,

> And in the creation of NSEC3 records, the "next link of the chain"
> (which is currently in upper case) means the "chained-to" record will
> also be in Upper Case???

I'm unsure what you mean. In what case are the hashes published in
uppercase by ODS?

The point of the proposed patch is to make sure the published records in
the signed zone will be unmodified from the input zone. Not for any
technical reason but merely for 'least surprises'. Any records generated
by ODS itself do not need to fall under this policy.


> eg...
> 13bu1nqrimn19lbkq6cvqume6thbsebr.web.za. 300 IN	NSEC3 1 1 5
>                      ||
>                     \||/      <-- a down pointing arrow
>                      \/
> 1alj0rmhhsfu8i2rq6hb0t74je03mgc1.web.za. 300 IN	NSEC3 1 1 5
> So in the next release, the line above will be written as:
> 1ALJ0RMHHSFU8I2RQ6HB0T74JE03MGC1.web.za. 300 IN NSEC3 1 1 5
> Please.
> On 30/08/2016 16:41, Yuri Schaeffer wrote:
>> On 30-08-16 16:10, Mark Elkins wrote:
>>> Much to my annoyance, OpenDNSSEC converts to lower case the Left Hand
>>> side of all zones (the name part, before the TTL). Can this modification
>>> of data be switched off?
>> Agreed and the next release will have a fix for this.
>> https://github.com/opendnssec/opendnssec/pull/479/commits/9094d7623335c78ff18fdc606e30efdc340646b9
>> There is no run-time option for this.
>> //Yuri
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