[Opendnssec-user] Questions about 'merging' two sqlite kaspdb files into one mysql database

Anne van Bemmelen Anne.vanBemmelen at sidn.nl
Thu Nov 26 08:30:04 UTC 2015

Dear listmembers,
I am investigating the following scenario, in which I try to 'merge' two kaspdb files.

Current situation:
In the current situation there are two signing systems: signera and signerb.
RedHat5, ODS 1.3.x, SQLite backend.
signera signs zone1 and zone2.
signerb signs zone3 and zone4.
Both signers use the policy 'default', but they differ in some details.

New situation:
One signer system: signerc.
Ubuntu 14.04, ODS 1.4.7, MySQL backend.
Signerc needs to sign all zones: zone[1234].
Two defined policies: 'default' and 'mypolicy'.
On a new HSM all involved keys are restored, with known CKA_id's.

The usual migrate scripts (ODS 1.3 to 1.4, sqlite to mysql) won't work in this case, because two kaspdb's are involved.

I did the following:
Configure conf.xml, kasp.xml and zonelist.xml in the appropriate way, with one repository, two policies, four zones, each with the desired policy.
Ods-ksmutil setup.
For each zone import all keys with: ods-ksmutil key import [all options]
Most options are obvious from ods-ksmutil key list -v -zone <zoneN>.
I checked the values for -time and -retire in the existing sqlite tables keypairs (field 'generate') and 'dnsseckeys' (field 'retire').

This results in:
ods-ksmutil key list -v shows the same output on old and new signer.
After 'ods-control start'  all  zones are signed as expected, everything seems to work (besides key rollovers that I didn't test yet).

*These are the differences between the contents of sqlite and mysql databases:
In the mysql database I find the following :
table policies: initially the field salt has value NULL, after ODS has started, it gets a new value.
table policies: the field salt_stamp contains date/time of import (sqlite contains the real salt generation time, equal to dnskeys active time).

table keypairs: I expected the field 'generate' to contain the -time value, specified during the key import, but this value is NULL.
Instead this date is filled in the table dnsseckeys, field 'active'. Is this normal behaviour?

table dnsseckeys: the fields 'publish' and 'ready' have the NULL value (in sqlite the real timestamp).
table keypairs: the field 'fixedDate' has value 1 (in sqlite value 0). Freshly created keys appear to have have fixedDate value 0.

In my opinion the following additional actions are necessary:

-          Manually update salt with the value in sqlite

-          Manually update salt_stamp with the value in sqlite

-          salt_stamp and active date have to be the same, during import use the active date with the -time option

I think there's no need to fill in the dnssec fields 'generate', 'publish' and 'ready'.

Is my interpretation correct? Is there anything else I have overlooked?
Also, I don't understand the meaning of the fixedDate field, should I change it back to 0?

All comments and suggestions are welcome.
Thanks in advance,

Anne van Bemmelen
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