[Opendnssec-user] two bug of opendnssec1.4.7

Berry A.W. van Halderen berry at nlnetlabs.nl
Tue Nov 24 10:17:52 UTC 2015

On 05/12/2015 08:11 AM, zhujinjun at knet.cn wrote:
> hi,
>     I'm zhujinjun,I want  to feedback a problem when I use the
> opendnssec1.4.7 and I  think it's a bug of opendnssec1.4.7.
>     I keep in inserting data into inbind,the ods-signerd process works
> properly at first.But when the data in inbind is up to
> 70,000,the  ods-signerd process stops work and the process is not dead.I
> get the logs,there has been no log about signerd but 'index ods-signerd:
> [query] ignore notify from zone dstest2 transfer in
> progress',and this log will print as long as I insert data
> into inbind,however what rate I use to inserting data.Finally,the
> inbind can Successfully resolve the domain name,but outbind can't.Even I
> stop inserting data,the ods-signerd process will not work,which result
> in failure resolveing domain name of outbind.
>     If I keep in inserting data into inbind,when the data is up to
> 1,000,000,the  ods-signerd process will be killed by system due to out
> of memory,followed by the log below:
> 'May 12 13:24:41 index kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 9012
> (ods-signerd) score 319 or sacrifice child'
> 'May 12 13:24:41 index kernel: Killed process 9012, UID 1800,
> (ods-signerd) total-vm:11829984kB, anon-rss:11528460kB, file-rss:212kB'
>      Please configure if this is a bug.
>      Thanks for your early reply.
>       Best Regards.
>       zhujinjun. 

I think so are inserting so fast, that the signer can't keep up
transferring and signing the new data.
If you keep on inserting forever, the total zone size will become too
large to fit into memory, and some failure will occur.
Note that the amount of memory needed is an order of magnitude larger
than the raw zone file, but it will be linear.  If you have 1 million
record sets, when it runs out of memory I think you have a relative
small machine (2GB).  I think the amount of memory in use (10GB) is due
to the backlog of work.

With kind regards,
Berry van Halderen.

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