[Opendnssec-user] SoftHSM v2 status?

Petr Spacek pspacek at redhat.com
Wed Jun 18 10:14:20 UTC 2014

On 18.6.2014 11:39, Jaap Akkerhuis wrote:
>      I quickly went through tickets on
>      https://issues.opendnssec.org/browse/SOFTHSM
>      but I'm not sure if I got the overall picture right.
>      If I say that performance is not very interesting for me, how
>      reliable is i t? When it crashes, how likely is database
>      corruption? (I don't expect exact number, just general feels -
>      it don't happen or it destroys data daily.)
>      Is there anything particular I can help you with?
> I amd nearly ready doing a FreeBSD port for the curremt alpha Releas. If
> there is enough demand I can finish it and make available for people to
> play with it.

I can ask Fedora maintainer for a new Fedora build but I would like to know 
what should we can expect. Does it work? :-)

Petr^2 Spacek

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