[Opendnssec-user] Enabling GOST algorithm

Rickard Bellgrim rickard at opendnssec.org
Fri Sep 27 05:45:17 UTC 2013

You can have a look on the SoftHSMv2 code:

SoftHSMv2 have support for GOST in both the Botan and the OpenSSL code.
OpenDNSSEC have support for GOST in libhsm, but not yet in the Enforcer.

// Rickard

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 10:06 PM, elsif <jake at elsif.net> wrote:

> This would probably be best for an OpenSSL list, but since the goal here
> is to get GOST working in both ODS and BIND...
> Anyone have any tips on what one needs to do to enable GOST in openssl?
> I'm hoping to stick with Redhat-supplied RPM's, but if that's not possible
> I'm not entirely against compiling it myself.  Looking into that, though,
> there doesn't seem to be much community agreement on which compile-time
> options to use and/or what needs to go into openssl.cnf to make that happen.
> Problem is, most of what I've found via Google is either in Russian
> language or refers to the exploitable GOST in OpenSSL from years past.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated here,
> -Jake
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