[Opendnssec-user] Making of 2.0.0a3: 2 workarounds; make checks throws some errors

Harald A. Irmer Harald.Irmer at KIT.edu
Thu Sep 12 13:05:53 UTC 2013

Thank you Yuri,

did what you told me - but the correct link is thus:

The latest version (aka “Trunk”)


The following commands can be used to download and configure the current 
development source code.

svn co http://svn.opendnssec.org/trunk/softHSM SoftHSM
cd SoftHSM
sh autogen.sh

svn co http://svn.opendnssec.org/trunk/OpenDNSSEC OpenDNSSEC
sh autogen.sh



On 12.09.2013 13:18, Yuri Schaeffer wrote:
> Hi Harald,
>> 3. make check throws errors (Files e.g. TestFactoryRegistry.h nowhere to
>> be found in the sources)
> I think you need to install libcppunit.
> Thank you for testing! We really appreciate your feedback. 2.0a3 is a
> bit out of date by now. In case you'd like to do some further testing
> you are also welcome to pull from the subversion branch[1].
> regards,
> Yuri
> [1] http://svn.opendnssec.org/svn/dnssec/branches/OpenDNSSEC-enforcer-ng/


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
ATIS - IT Infrastruture and Services, Faculty of Computer Science

Harald A. Irmer
IT Manager / Computer Networks Group

Am Fasanengarten 5
Building 50.34
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

Phone: +49 721 608-46963
Fax: +49 721 608-46699
Email: harald.irmer at kit.edu

KIT University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and
National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association

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