[Opendnssec-user] Migrating from sqllite to MySQL

Jerry Lundström jerry at opendnssec.org
Tue Dec 17 11:16:20 UTC 2013


On Dec 17, 2013, at 11:43 , Volker Janzen wrote:

> I'm currently switching over from sqllite to MySQL with my OpenDNSSEC, because that's recommented for production use. I noticed, that the migration guide on https://wiki.opendnssec.org/display/DOCS/Migrating+between+supported+database+backends does not work this way:
> enforcer/utils/convert_database.pl --from dbi:SQLite:dbname=/var/lib/opendnssec/kasp.db --to dbi:mysql:database=opendnssec;host=localhost --to-username opendnssec --to-password SECRET
> Connected to exporting database dbi:SQLite:dbname=/var/lib/opendnssec/kasp.db
> Validating existing data
> Create the importing database, this will delete existing data? [NO/yes] yes
> Enter importing database password (--to-password):
> -> the command line arguments for MySQL user/password are ignored.

I can't really see how it can be ignored, the code is the same as for --from-password. Is your password an empty string?

> I needed to use the MySQL root password for the migrate:

You should not need to if you setup the database correctly and has given the user the right permissions.


Jerry Lundström - OpenDNSSEC Developer

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