[Opendnssec-user]How to Manage Thousands of Zones's Keys

刘硕 shuoleo at 126.com
Tue Oct 16 08:18:35 UTC 2012


We are testing managing a thousand zones with OpenDNSSEC1.4.0b1 with Mysql, but SoftHSM can only connected with Sqlite,right?

Is it suitable for all the zones to share the same ZSK/KSK? Would this cause some other some operation  problems? Or should I just turn the <ShareKeys>
on? But I suppose a thousand zones use the same key pairs seems abnormal, right? What would you guys do?
I don't know how many keys SoftHSM can hold, but is it wise for it to hold thousands of keys?

What's your opinion on managing thousands of zones?

Best regards,
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