[Opendnssec-user] ods-signerd 1.4.0a1 crasher

Paul Wouters paul at nohats.ca
Wed May 16 15:53:10 UTC 2012

On Wed, 16 May 2012, Matthijs Mekking wrote:

> Thanks for your report. This happens if I check the rr_count of an
> RRset that does not exist. This patch should prevent the crash:

I'm building new packages now and it will run soon. We'll see if it
happens again.

> I have committed it to trunk, r6337. I was not able to trigger the
> crash myself, I am guessing this can happen when using NSEC3 with
> Opt-Out. Do you have any insights on how you encountered this (e.g.,
> what kind of information did you add/remove from the zone, did you try
> to sign a faulty zone, ...)?

It is indeed NSEC3 with OPTOUT. It adds a bunch of domains each hour,
then at midnight resets back, so there are quite a few deletions on
that signing after midnight, which I think was when the crash happened


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