[Opendnssec-user] Problem with backup files

Casper Gielen c.gielen at uvt.nl
Mon Mar 12 13:02:20 UTC 2012

I've once again encountered a problem with .backup files.
I think it started with the upgrade from ODS 1.3.4 to
1.3.5 on Debian Wheezy.

The signer starts the recovery process but hangs on a some zones.
The signer is still responsive and reacts to changes in verbosity
but it does not get past this zone (zone2.com in the logs below).

Mar 12 12:45:17 metagross ods-signerd: [zone] zone domain1.com set SOA TTL to 3600
Mar 12 12:45:17 metagross ods-signerd: [zone] zone domain1.com set SOA MINIMUM to 3600
Mar 12 12:45:17 metagross ods-signerd: [zone] zone domain1.com set DNSKEY TTL to 3600
Mar 12 12:45:18 metagross ods-signerd: [zone] zone domain1.com set DNSKEY TTL to 3600
Mar 12 12:45:18 metagross ods-signerd: [engine] recovered zone domain1.com
# everything fine untill here
Mar 12 12:45:18 metagross ods-signerd: [zone] zone domain2.com set SOA TTL to 3600
Mar 12 12:45:18 metagross ods-signerd: [zone] zone domain2.com set SOA MINIMUM to 3600
# never gets past here

Removing the backups fixes this problem. Only 2 out of 300 zones had
this problem. Both share the same policy (together with a few other zones).
Both zones are trivial (less than 10 records).

I have a copy of the backupfiles if anybody is interested.

Perhaps Opendnssec should remove the backups when upgrading to
a newer version. 
Casper Gielen <cgielen at uvt.nl> | LIS UNIX
PGP fingerprint = 16BD 2C9F 8156 C242 F981  63B8 2214 083C F80E 4AF7

Universiteit van Tilburg | Postbus 90153, 5000 LE
Warandelaan 2 | Telefoon 013 466 4100 | G 236 | http://www.uvt.nl

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