[Opendnssec-user] 1.5.0a2 crasher in ldns_rr_list_push_rr

Paul Wouters paul at nohats.ca
Tue Jun 12 21:04:50 UTC 2012

On Sun, 10 Jun 2012, Paul Wouters wrote:

> This is the crasher I've been trying to get trace of:

Here's a better trace,

#0  0x0000003988232885 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x0000003988234065 in abort () from /lib64/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x0000000000417fb6 in ods_fatal_exit (format=<value optimized out>)
     at shared/log.c:368
         args = {{gp_offset = 40, fp_offset = 48,
             overflow_arg_area = 0x7fffeebfcde0,
             reg_save_area = 0x7fffeebfcd20}}
#3  0x000000000042020e in rrset_sign (ctx=0x0, rrset=0x65f660,
     signtime=1339534938) at signer/rrset.c:643
         zone = 0x0
         newsigs = 0
         reusedsigs = 0
         rrsig = 0x0
         rr_list = 0x0
         signature = 0x0
         locator = 0x0
         inception = 0
         expiration = 0
         i = 0
         domain = 0x0
         dstatus = LDNS_RR_TYPE_FIRST
         domain = 0x0
         dstatus = LDNS_RR_TYPE_FIRST
         delegpt = LDNS_RR_TYPE_FIRST
         __func__ = "rrset_sign"
#4  0x00000000004119b1 in worker_drudge (worker=0x733450)
     at daemon/worker.c:659
         engine = 0x657480
         zone = 0x68b850
         status = <value optimized out>
         ctx = 0x0
         task = <value optimized out>
         rrset = 0x65f660
         superior = 0x669bd0
#5  worker_start (worker=0x733450) at daemon/worker.c:704
         __func__ = "worker_start"
#6  0x000000000040d641 in worker_thread_start (arg=0x733450)
     at daemon/engine.c:374
         worker = 0x733450
#7  0x00000039886077f1 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#8  0x00000039882e5ccd in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.

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