[Opendnssec-user] ods-ksmutil key list --zone segfaults

Jerry Lundström jerry at opendnssec.org
Tue Feb 21 08:39:50 UTC 2012

On 21 feb 2012, at 09:03, Sander Smeenk <ssmeenk at freshdot.net> wrote:

> Quoting Rickard Bellgrim (rickard at opendnssec.org):
>> The MutexFactory is now an other type of Singleton object.
>> Could you please try r6177 in SoftHSM trunk.
> Checked out r6177, compiled. The problem is gone now:

Guess I expected too much from auto_ptr nulling stuff.

> I'm curious to know what caused this problem? Is it the multiple tokens
> i have configured? I've had multiple keys in one token before...

No, its nothing you have done. It was a problem with the order of
deallocation on exit and it was non fatal.

Thanks for the help Sander!


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