[Opendnssec-user] DelegationSignerSubmitCommand

Craig Whitmore lennon at orcon.net.nz
Wed Jun 22 11:03:49 UTC 2011

On 22/06/11 10:33 PM, "Volker Janzen" <voja at voja.de> wrote:

>okay, but when I want a complete automation of the roll-over process,
>I'd need something around OpenDNSSEC that manages:
>- send DNSKEY data that is supplied by OpenDNSSEC to registrar
>- wait the TTL of DS record to proceed
>- send "ods-ksmutil key ds-seen -z <domain> -x ..." or all DS that are
>visible in all e.g. .de authorative nameservers
>- monitor if there are any problems
I wrote my own...

As how you send it is quite different in most situations. I would wrong
your own (as I did) in perl.. Php/C or whatever you want to.



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