[Opendnssec-user] Database support for OpenDNSSEC

Simon Mittelberger mittelberger at united-domains.de
Thu Nov 18 11:07:13 UTC 2010

Am Donnerstag, den 18.11.2010, 11:08 +0100 schrieb Matthijs Mekking: 
> > I am not sure if I have the right idea of what is done here: Does the
> > auditor make a check if the signed zonefile is present? Because the
> > audit is done with zonename.finalized and at the moment the auditor is
> > called the file does not yet exist.
> For clarification, which file does not yet exist at the moment the
> auditor is called? I think you mean the output file.

Yes, the output file.

> If I'm correct, the auditor keeps track of the previous signed zone
> file, to track the serial increasings. However, this is an optional
> check for the auditor, not one that should make the auditing process
> fail. Alex should be able to tell you all about the auditor in detail.

Ok, so a check whether the section exists in the zonelist.xml would do
the trick.

I'll post the new patch back here, when I'm done with the fixes.

Many thanks for your help.

All the best,

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