[Opendnssec-user] Database support for OpenDNSSEC

Matthijs Mekking matthijs at NLnetLabs.nl
Wed Nov 17 09:21:55 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

Hi Simon,

Thanks for the patch. It shows that the core of the signer engine can
work, regardless how the zone is fed.

On 11/17/2010 09:42 AM, Simon Mittelberger wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 16.11.2010, 08:59 +0100 schrieb Rickard Bellgrim: 
>> On 15 nov 2010, at 22.28, Robert Martin-Legene wrote:
>>> If the enforcer is supposed to compare the signed and the unsigned
>>> tables, don't forget that you need some way to ensure that the unsigned
>>> doesn't change in the period that passes between the signing and the
>>> enforcer starts, or the enforcer will fail.
>> s/enforcer/auditor/g
>> I think that is why the auditor is disabled by Simon. But it is a thing we have to keep in mind. How the auditor should be able to audit the process.
> Thanks for your thoughts. You are right this will be important.
> Would the following solution be adequate?
> - when reading the zone from the table, write it to a file (internal).
> - when signing has completed, the auditor can check against this file.

Currently, the auditor is already provided with internal files. The
signer working directories makes a copy to .unsorted and a signed copy
to .finalized before writing the zone and the auditor will make his
checks against these files. So, I don't see why it should be different
with mySQL adapters.

Best regards,


> The thing is: if tables get locked, the nice feature of instant edit of
> the records is gone (please correct me if I'm wrong).
> Another possibility: create another table in the database for the
> auditor and save the records there before signing.
> The third option: throw away the mysql adapter idea and just hack the
> file adapter. Pull the data from mysql before reading the file and push
> it to mysql when writing the file. (this is probably the ugliest one)
> What would you recommend?
> Kind regards,
> Simon
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