[Opendnssec-user] Final tests

Stephen.Morris at nominet.org.uk Stephen.Morris at nominet.org.uk
Tue Jan 19 12:11:19 UTC 2010

Rickard Bellgrim <rickard.bellgrim at iis.se> wrote on 18/01/2010 12:06:51:

> You could also load your signed zones into BIND or NSD, so that the 
zones are 
> available on your internal network. Then you can try to validate your 
zone by 
> using different tools like: http://opensource.iis.se/trac/dnscheck or 
> configuring a local resolver with the public KSK.

Another tool to check a dnssec-enabled zone published by a nameserver is 
the "monitor" program (in the OpenDNSSEC trunk).  An extract from the 
README file is listed below.


  ./dnssec_monitor.rb -z <zone> [options]

where zone is the zone the be monitored. Additional options may be
viewed by running : 

  ./dnssec_monitor.rb -? 

(or -h, or --help)

Additional options include :

    -n <ns1>[,<ns2>,<ns3>,...]       Comma-separated list of nameservers
        --nameservers                to monitor for the zone. Defaults
                                     to the nameservers listed in the 
public DNS
        --kskwarn [n]                Warn if KSK RRSIG expiry is within n 
                                     Defaults to 14
        --kskcritical [n]            Error if KSK RRSIG expiry is within n 
                                     Defaults to 7
        --zskwarn [n]                Warn if the ZSK RRSIG expiry is 
within n
                                     Defaults to 3
        --zskcritical [n]            Error if ZSK RRSIG expiry is within n 
                                     Defaults to 1
        --dwarn [n]                  Warn if RRSIG expiry is within n days
                                     Defaults to 3
                                     Only useful when a list of domains
                                     to check is supplied
        --dcritical [n]              Error if RRSIG expiry is within n 
                                     Defaults to 1
                                     Only useful when a list of domains to
                                     check is supplied
        --ods [ods_location]         Load the OpenDNSSEC configuration 
                                     from this location and use values for
                                     InceptionOffset and ValidityPeriod
                                     from them. Otherwise, defaults will
                                     be used for these (3600 for
                                     InceptionOffset, 3600 for 
                                     OpenDNSSEC must have been installed 
on this
                                     system if this option is used
        --[no-]wilcard               NXDomain checks will be disabled if
                                     wildcards are enabled
        --names name1,name2,name3... List of names to check in the zone
                                     Note that there must be no whitespace
                                     between the names
        --namefile file              Name of file containing list of names 
                                     optional types) to check in the zone
        --zonefile file              Name of zone file to load list of 
names to 
                                     check against zone
        --[no-]validation            Define whether to check parent DS 
                                     and validation from the root
                                     Defaults to true
        --rootkey file               Configure the key for the signed root
                                     Defines file to load root key from
                                     Validation from root will not be 
                                     if this is not configured
        --dlv                        Configure the location of the DLV 
                                     Defaults to dlv.isc.org.
                                     DLV will only be used if dlvkey is 
        --dlvkey file                Configure the DLV key
                                     Defines file to load DLV key from
                                     DLV won't be used if this isn't set
        --hints hint1,hint2,hint3... Configure the root hints
                                     Defines the servers to use as root
                                     Note that there must be no whitespace
                                     between the names
    -l, --log [FACILITY]             Specify the syslog facility for 
                                     Defaults to print to console
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