[Opendnssec-user] Packaging for gentoo, several issues

Tom Hendrikx tom at whyscream.net
Mon Feb 8 22:50:44 UTC 2010


I'm currently in the process of creating gentoo packages for softhsm and
opendnssec. Because gentoo builds from source on the users machine, I'm
trying to iron out some issues during configure/make/make install steps.

Gentoo uses flags that typically adapt the install by setting configure
flags, but because of scripted automation, both the --enable-foo and
--disable-foo switches should work. This gave me some issues to solve,
f.i. --enable-auditor does *not* build the auditor :)

Also (config) file installation does not respect ${DESTDIR}. It tests
for existence of dirs and files in /, and then tries to install into
$DESTDIR. This gives unreliable results (and even does not succeed with
$DESTDIR pointing to an empty directory currently).

- softhsm-1.1.3-m4.patch: respect --disable-64bit
- softhsm-1.1.3-Makefile.am.patch: respect $DESTDIR for config files
- opendnssec-1.0.0_rc4-Makefile.am.patch: respect $DESTDIR for config files
- opendnssec-1.0.0_rc4-configure.ac.patch: respect --enable-auditor

NB Unlike the names suggest, all patches are against svn trunk.

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