[Opendnssec-user] Deprecating pid-files?

Adam McGreggor adam-dns at amyl.org.uk
Wed Aug 25 12:44:00 UTC 2010

hum, i think this may be my first list-post ;)

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 12:16:51PM +0000, Rick van Rein wrote:
> > Debian uses following snippet to stop the daemons:
> > 
> >         start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5
> > --pidfile $PIDFILE
> So... what you are saying to retain PID-files is that there are OS variants
> that can make good use of PID files, and that anything else would make
> you resort to non-standard init.d structures?

Hum. This makes me think that maybe a configuration option might be
the way to handle this; let it be optional. 

As for what the default should be...

> Guys, that sounds like a reason to retain PIDfile to me.  And just add
> the communications channel as well.

... I tend to agree; the PIDfile has a use-case, and sysv/init can
handle it, so why remove its support?

(and for those OSes that use PIDfiles, IMO, the default option should
be for the(y|m) to use PIDfiles)

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