[Opendnssec-user] Why do we need standby keys?

Antti Ristimäki aristima at csc.fi
Sun Aug 15 17:46:37 UTC 2010

On Mon, 9 Aug 2010, Rickard Bellgrim wrote:

> Hi OpenDNSSEC users
> On 8 jul 2010, at 11.26, Rickard Bellgrim wrote:
>> Our idea: The support of standby keys in OpenDNSSEC can be deprecated, because it can be handled outside the system
> The conclusion I make from the previous discussion is that we can go ahead with this proposal. We do not want to do any hasty decisions, so that is why we are asking for your comments one more time.

I hope you would preserve at least some sort of support for standby keys, 
so that those who use the older versions of ODS with standby-keys would 
have smooth upgrade path to version 1.2 and above.


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