[Opendnssec-user] NSEC3 records with empty Type Bit Maps field?

Sebastian Castro sebastian at nzrs.net.nz
Mon Aug 9 22:01:26 UTC 2010


While using Duane's tool YAZVS (http://yazvs.verisignlabs.com/) to
verify a signed version of the co.nz zone, I stepped on a curious case.

Currently I'm signing the zone with NSEC3 without Opt-Out and there are
22 NSEC3 records with an empty Type Bit Maps field representation. I
couldn't find a reference on RFC 5155 telling that value could be empty.

So a normal delegation in the signed zone will look like this:

trademe.co.nz.  86400   IN  NS  ns1.trademe.co.nz.
trademe.co.nz.  86400   IN  NS  ns2.trademe.co.nz.
trademe.co.nz.  86400   IN  NS  ns3.trademe.co.nz.
trademe.co.nz.  86400   IN  NS  ns4.trademe.co.nz.
vhquglfsgbhs4r0ri8hlphqk00kk950c.co.nz. 3600    IN  NSEC3   1 0 5
23b431f77625ad5d  vhqulb93jlf3mgckjs93bdtev0tgf22h NS
vhquglfsgbhs4r0ri8hlphqk00kk950c.co.nz. 3600    IN  RRSIG   NSEC3 7 3
3600 20100810083824 20100808175000 53435 co.nz.

and then the next sequence of NS+NSEC3+RRSIG will follow,
but on the very few strange cases, it looks like this

oma-rapiti.co.nz.   86400   IN  NS  ns1.openhost.net.nz.
oma-rapiti.co.nz.   86400   IN  NS  ns2.openhost.net.nz.
oma-rapiti.co.nz.   86400   IN  NS  ns3.openhost.net.nz.
rbdkpg1fmijiaah7mf7n0h1ufbtbav5b.co.nz. 3600    IN  NSEC3   1 0 5
23b431f77625ad5d  rbdl6o7oqkad3u8n3bm6soo4jfhgi0h2 NS
rbdkpg1fmijiaah7mf7n0h1ufbtbav5b.co.nz. 3600    IN  RRSIG   NSEC3 7 3
3600 20100810053112 20100808175000 53435 co.nz.
;{id = 53435}

rbdl6o7oqkad3u8n3bm6soo4jfhgi0h2.co.nz. 3600    IN  NSEC3   1 0 5
23b431f77625ad5d  rbdof4uj5oj1cebdk0ud74vnnr0me7ch
rbdl6o7oqkad3u8n3bm6soo4jfhgi0h2.co.nz. 3600    IN  RRSIG   NSEC3 7 3
3600 20100810054536 20100808175000 53435 co.nz.

So the sequence is NS+NSEC3+RRSIG+NSEC3_with_no_type+RRSIG.

YAZVS barks with that, named-checkzone doesn't complain,
ldns-verify-zone hasn't finished after 12 hours running.

Looks likes an OpenDNSSEC bug? is that valid or I should go and check
YAZVS dependencies for errors?

Sebastian Castro
DNS Specialist
.nz Registry Services (New Zealand Domain Name Registry Limited)
desk: +64 4 495 2337
mobile: +64 21 400535

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