[Opendnssec-user] signer process hangs after finishing the work

Michael Braunoeder mib at nic.at
Wed Dec 9 09:12:18 UTC 2009

Hi Rickard,

Rickard Bellgrim schrieb:
> Hash: SHA256
>> Ok, we can reproduce it on our machine that signs the .se zone. But not
>> on the machine that signs multiple small zones and one medium sized
>> zone. Both using Ubuntu 8.0.4.
> Michael, are you using SOA serial keep?

Yes, I use "SOA serial keep". We run our setup on Debian Lenny and the 
"hanging signer problem" is only with the .at Zones (the two small zones 
are affected by the axfr problems, but if the axfr works correctly the 
zones are signed without any problems).
> Because I am noticing that each hanging process matches the log message:
> Dec  9 01:15:11 dnssecsigner ods-signerd: Error: serial setting is set to 'keep', but input serial has not increased. Aborting sign operation for se

I'm seeing this messages too. But the serial is increased otherwise the 
zone won't be redistributed to the OpenDNSSEC system.


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