[Opendnssec-develop] RE: Developer Workshop - 27 & 28 Feb

Sara Dickinson sara at sinodun.com
Wed Jan 29 14:33:05 UTC 2014

Hi All, 

The current list of attendees at the planned developer workshop is:

Both days:
Masson (pending visa approval)

Thursday only:

I would like to confirm numbers by the end of tomorrow to:
a) confirm that the workshop will go ahead and
b) book a venue (we will book for only as many people are attending as this will affect the price) so please let me know if the above is not correct. 

We are trying to book a venue in London, near to the IETF hotel. Once we have a venue I will send out suggestions for hotels. 

There is no agenda yet, but if you have anything specific you would like to cover then please let me know!



Begin forwarded message:

> From: Sara Dickinson <sara at sinodun.com>
> Subject: [Opendnssec-develop] RE: Next Developer Workshop @ IETF 89
> Date: 7 January 2014 15:00:53 GMT
> To: OpenDNSSEC Developers <Opendnssec-develop at lists.opendnssec.org>
> Hi All, 
> The next developer workshop is planned for Thursday 27th and Friday 28th February (just before IETF 89 which is being held in London). The aim would be to have a code sprint focussed on 2.0 development. 
> Please could you fill in the doodle below to indicate your availability:
> http://doodle.com/rwuattih7vqnt4mw
> Exact location is still TBD, but will be either London or Oxford. If you are available, but funding is an issue then please contact me directly to discuss. Also, if you need a letter of invitation to support a visa application please let me know.
> Sara.
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