[Opendnssec-develop] Changes to commit messages when moved to GitHub

Jerry Lundström jerry at opendnssec.org
Wed Dec 18 10:50:45 UTC 2013


There will be a change to the commit messages as we move the projects to

GitHub has only implemented an email notification of the push and it is
without the change to the code (diff). You will easily see what repository,
commit tag, commit message it is for and a link to the commit on GitHub. So
there is only an extra step if you want to see the full diff.

This on the other hand won't be something important since we will be
working in user forked repositories and doing pull requests.

If people want notifications on pull requests (not made by themselves) or
anything else related to a repository you need to watch the repository on

Jerry Lundström - OpenDNSSEC Developer
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