[Opendnssec-develop] Jenkins+Git working! (Was: Jenkins Git problems)

Jerry Lundström jerry at opendnssec.org
Wed Dec 18 08:57:31 UTC 2013


Git checkout with changes works and SCM is polled correctly and triggers
new builds on new commits.

There will be a small change in the testing framework.

Today the framework keeps a couple control files in the workspace directory
to keep track of what revision has been built and does not rebuild it if
its the same, this is to not waste resources when jobs are triggered in the
dependencies chains we have (softhsm -> ldns -> opendnssec -> test etc) if
no changes has been made.

These files where kept in workspace so if you want to force a rebuild of
the same commit you could wipe the workspace before triggering the build.

With the required "Wipe out repository & force clone" this is done every
run so these files need to be moved to the INSTALL_ROOT and we can replace
the "force a rebuild" functionality with a stand alone job that removes
those files if we need it (don't actually know if anyone has use it).

Jerry Lundström - OpenDNSSEC Developer
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