[Opendnssec-develop] Meeting minutes from todays meeting
Rick van Rein
rick at openfortress.nl
Thu Jan 15 19:49:17 UTC 2009
> Project management
> ------------------
> Consensus decisions made by the group - not the project manager.
> The project manager acts as a "document shepherd", keeps the texts
> that are decided on...
> Rickard Bondesson has full support acting as the project manager from
> the group.
> Project manager responsibilites:
> - arrange meetings
> - keep documents
> - update the project plan
I'd like to add:
- making sure to explicitly allocate time for project management
- setting milestones and deliverables, and manage activities accordingly
- write project plan
> First face to face meeting early February. Arrange the meetings with
> doodle.
To add:
The wiki is going to be filled with the agreed-upon content.
A remark: someone (Jelte? Matthijs?) mentioned that another Wiki could
be useful as a working notepad for developing documentation.
> System design
> -------------
> Agree on a high-level description of the system. Add this high-level
> description to the website.
> Long discussion on the inbound and outbound adapters, and on what
> OpenDNSSEC really is. First phase is? only complete signing with file
> input and output.
> Later on add IXFR with zone states and what we need with that.
Actually, I thought I heard agreement on
phase 1.1 Zone file in/out
phase 1.2 AXFR in/out
phase 2 IXFR in/out
> There is a need to describe the inbound and outbound adapters and how
> they interact with the unsigned and signed storage, and what is fed to
> the signer engine.
> Jakob and Roy will describe the data flow in OpenDNSSEC.
> Stephen will send a description of the KASP to the list, and also some
> example code.
> List decision on the API between the KASP Enforcer and the Signer
> Engine.
> We need the decision on the API between the Signer Engine and the zone
> storage modules. Next meeting, depends on data flow?
> We need use cases in order to make good decision on the design. Much
> of the API descriptions depend on missing details in the design.
> Post discussion material on the wiki separate from the decided design
> documents.
> Questions from Matthijs deferred to the mailing list.
> Who develops each component?
> ----------------------------
> KASP Enforcer: John Dickinson
> Signer Engine, RRset Signer, NSEC-ifier: Jelte Jansen, NLNet Labs
> Unsigned/Signed-zone storage part of Signer Engine in phase 1.
> PKCS#11 should be tested by the party responsible for each component
> that must interact with the Security Module.
> Commitment
> ----------
> Roy Arends - will participate on the list, and on the conference calls
> John Dickinson - 4 weeks? And spare time
> Jelte Jansen - 2-3 days per week
> Olaf Kolkman -
> Matthijs Mekking - 2-3 days per week
> Stephen Morris - ... Sean
> Rick van Rein - 1 day per week
> Roland - 1 day perl week
His full name is Roland van Rijswijk
> Jakob Schlyter - 1 day per week?
> Patrik Wallström - 1 day per week
> Brief update on the state of each component
> -------------------------------------------
> Jelte: signed a zone using SoftHSM!
> Rickard: SoftHSM will be internally cleaner and extendable to other
> algorithms
> Stephen: Publish more details in KASP
> Prototype available in March? Not impossible, but April may be more
> realistic ... more details in the project plan.
> One reason to be finished in time is to present the project at HAR2009.
> Testing
> -------
> Stephen: We must have unit testing and other testing - the code must
> be bullet proof. Will make test plan. Rick volounteers.
To be precise, Rick volunteers to contact Stephen and help him testing
the OpenDNSSEC system.
> Documents missing
> ------------------
> Use cases: everybody mail or wiki
> Project plan: Rickard
> Data flow: Rick - needs feedback
> Stephen: High-level project description
Thanks for making the notes.
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