[Opendnssec-develop] Face-to-Face February

John Dickinson jad at jadickinson.co.uk
Thu Jan 15 10:47:03 UTC 2009

On 15 Jan 2009, at 10:41, Olaf Kolkman wrote:

> On Jan 15, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Rickard Bondesson wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> (Seems like we had some problem with our Exchange server yesterday.  
>> Trying to send again.)
>> A face-to-face meeting between the participants of the OpenDNSSEC  
>> project. The decisions are about which date to meet on (in the  
>> beginning of February) and at which location (Oxford or Amsterdam).
> I have no problem sending people to meetings, except that that  
> provides budgetary pressure other than the ca 1.5 full time staff  
> I've dedicated to the project. Tickets and expenses are real money  
> that are eaten out of my travel budged.
> Any chance that those expenses can be reimbursed by other parties?

Same here :) Travel money come out of my gadget fund :(


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