[Opendnssec-develop] Face-to-Face February

Olaf Kolkman olaf at NLnetLabs.nl
Thu Jan 15 10:41:32 UTC 2009

On Jan 15, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Rickard Bondesson wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> (Seems like we had some problem with our Exchange server yesterday.  
> Trying to send again.)
> A face-to-face meeting between the participants of the OpenDNSSEC  
> project. The decisions are about which date to meet on (in the  
> beginning of February) and at which location (Oxford or Amsterdam).

I have no problem sending people to meetings, except that that  
provides budgetary pressure other than the ca 1.5 full time staff I've  
dedicated to the project. Tickets and expenses are real money that are  
eaten out of my travel budged.

Any chance that those expenses can be reimbursed by other parties?


Olaf M. Kolkman                        NLnet Labs
                                        Science Park 140,
http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/               1098 XG Amsterdam

NB: The street at which our offices are located has been
renamed to the above.

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