[Opendnssec-develop] project plan and SURFnet

Roy Arends roy at nominet.org.uk
Fri Nov 28 16:26:49 UTC 2008

Dear OpenDNSSEC folk,

I have yet to finish the project plan (I'm not slacking, just swamped), 
but will dump here what I already have (see attached pdf) written. It 
contains the high level overview of components (which we already assigned 
to different folk).

Yesterday, I went to NLNetLabs office to talk with Olaf, Jelte and folks 
from SURFnet (the dutch academic network) about OpenDNSSEC. Rogier Spoor 
and Roland van Rijswijk both work for SURFnet, and Rick van Rein works for 

SURFnet are in need of a solution, and the solution they had in mind is 
exactly what OpenDNSSEC is. They are interested in joining the effort, as 
their constituency have requested DNSSEC to be deployed on the zones that 
SURFnet hosts for the academic networks. They are the other extreme of a 
single, very large zone: very large amount of small zones.

We do not really need more developers joining the project, however, Roland 
van Rijswijk has significant PKCS11 skills, as he helped develop the 
PKCS11 standards. So I'd like him to have a look at both sides of the 
PKCS11 API (Rickards softHSM, and Jelte's ldns interface to pkcs11). Rick 
van Rein has also significant security skills. 

I've added them to our mailing list.


Roy Arends
Sr Researcher
Nominet UK

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