[Opendnssec-develop] project plan and SURFnet

Roland van Rijswijk roland.vanrijswijk at surfnet.nl
Fri Nov 28 17:08:34 UTC 2008

Hi Roy,

Thanks for introducing SURFnet on the list. I would like to make one
minor correction: I have not co-authored the PKCS #11 specs, but have
spent some 4 years developing a commercial PKCS #11 module for use with
cryptographic smart cards (and thus know a lot about the ins and outs of
the spec). Just to make sure no-one overestimates my fame ;-)


Roland van Rijswijk

Roy Arends wrote:
> Dear OpenDNSSEC folk,
> I have yet to finish the project plan (I'm not slacking, just swamped), 
> but will dump here what I already have (see attached pdf) written. It 
> contains the high level overview of components (which we already assigned 
> to different folk).
> Yesterday, I went to NLNetLabs office to talk with Olaf, Jelte and folks 
> from SURFnet (the dutch academic network) about OpenDNSSEC. Rogier Spoor 
> and Roland van Rijswijk both work for SURFnet, and Rick van Rein works for 
> OpenFortress.
> SURFnet are in need of a solution, and the solution they had in mind is 
> exactly what OpenDNSSEC is. They are interested in joining the effort, as 
> their constituency have requested DNSSEC to be deployed on the zones that 
> SURFnet hosts for the academic networks. They are the other extreme of a 
> single, very large zone: very large amount of small zones.
> We do not really need more developers joining the project, however, Roland 
> van Rijswijk has significant PKCS11 skills, as he helped develop the 
> PKCS11 standards. So I'd like him to have a look at both sides of the 
> PKCS11 API (Rickards softHSM, and Jelte's ldns interface to pkcs11). Rick 
> van Rein has also significant security skills. 
> I've added them to our mailing list.
> Thanks,
> Roy Arends
> Sr Researcher
> Nominet UK
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-- Roland M. van Rijswijk
-- SURFnet Middleware Services
-- t: +31-30-2305388
-- e: roland.vanrijswijk at surfnet.nl

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