[Opendnssec-user] OpenDNSSEC signer engine: Crashes on OpenBSD with: Bus error in ldns_rr_clone

Robb rlp at tson.de
Tue Sep 22 17:07:30 UTC 2020

Hi Again,

Some additional feedback from the OpenBSD experts ...
> ...
> #1  0x0000084fca6e4e55 in ixfr_del_rr (ixfr=0x852782d0d80, rr=0xdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf) at signer/ixfr.c:134
>                                        this is a use after free ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

So, signerd is using memory after it has already been freed.

As I understand it, the OpenBSD free() call overwrites freed memory with the
0xdf pattern - this is done specifically to catch use-after-free errors.
This would then fit with your only having seen this issue on OpenBSD

Just FYI.


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