[Opendnssec-user] OpenDNSSEC signer engine: Crashes on OpenBSD with: Bus error in ldns_rr_clone
(Berry) A.W. van Halderen
berry at nlnetlabs.nl
Tue Sep 22 07:34:01 UTC 2020
On Mon, Sep 21, 2020 at 09:41:23PM +0200, Robb via Opendnssec-user wrote:
> I recreated my dnssec/opendnssec configuration from scratch (as far as I can
> tell, I used "ods-enforcer-db-setup" as described under "clear all state and
> start over").
> However after restarting I still see the same issue that I described in
> August i.e. the ods-signerd crashes on startup (see below).
> I would be grateful for any suggestions how to proceed. Is there any
> additional debugging info. which I could collect that might help with
> analysis of the problem?
> Anybody out there actually using Opendnssec on OpenBSD?
Dear Robb,
I've see the issue and know of one other person having it. It is really
(Open)BSD related, and I've not seen it elsewhere, even not on our other
FreeBSD machines (production and testing). It seems content related,
perhaps you can share this. Nearly all of the cases you can clear the
problem away by removing the files in /usr/local/var/lib/opendnssec/tmp
and /usr/local/var/lib/opendnssec/signer, which are all transient state
files, this should be done after stopping OpenDNSSEC and restarting
it afterwards.
If you are able to share your zone file that causes this problem,
including the state in the above mentioned directories, perhaps I can then
more targetfully approach the issue.
With kind regards,
N: (Berry) A.W. van Halderen
E: berry at nlnetlabs.nl
O: NLnet Labs
W: http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/
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