[Opendnssec-user] OpenDNSSEC 2.1.6 released

Vincent Levigneron vincent.levigneron at afnic.fr
Mon Feb 17 21:18:57 UTC 2020

Dear Berry,

It seems that the following command does not work anymore in 2.1.6 :

>  ods-signer sign nic.fr
Error: Zone nic.fr not found.

If I go back to 2.1.5, it works.

>  ods-control start
Starting enforcer...
OpenDNSSEC key and signing policy enforcer version 2.1.5
Engine running.
Starting signer engine...
OpenDNSSEC signer engine version 2.1.5
Engine running.
> ods-signer sign nic.fr
Zone nic.fr scheduled for immediate re-sign.

Is there something to modify in 2.1.6 to make ods-signer command works ?

Best regards,


le 11 févr., Berry A.W. van Halderen via Opendnssec-user a ?crit :
> Dear all,
> Version 2.1.6 of OpenDNSSEC has been released a few hours ago.
> This release of 2.1.6 fixes some issues regarding the key list
> wrongfully displayed (a regression bug in 2.1.5) as well as a small
> leak in the enforcer (which can add up when you bang the enforcer
> with a lot of commands.  And as well as a serious signing error when
> using Combined Signing Keys (CSKs), this is only relevant if you
> combine KSK and ZSK in one.  Especially users of CSKs need this fix
> now.  Another nice fix is a reconnect to a MySQL/MariaDB database
> you you don't have to tweak database parameters.
> Fixes
> * OPENDNSSEC-913: verify database connection upon every use.
> * OPENDNSSEC-944: bad display of date of next transition (regression)
> * SUPPORT-250: missing signatures on using combined keys (CSK)
> * OPENDNSSEC-945: memory leak per command to enforcer.
> * OPENDNSSEC-946: unclean enforcer exit in case of certain config
>   problems.
> * OPENDNSSEC-411: set-policy command to change policy of zone
>   (experimental).  Requestes explicit enforce command to take effect.
> Download here:
>   https://dist.opendnssec.org/source/opendnssec-2.1.6.tar.gz
> Yours Truly,
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	Vincent Levigneron  A.F.N.I.C.  Vincent.Levigneron at afnic.fr
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