[Opendnssec-user] OpenDNSSEC signer engine: Crashes on OpenBSD with: Bus error in ldns_rr_clone

Robb rlp at tson.de
Thu Aug 27 16:02:09 UTC 2020

Hi All,

I am attempting to setup secure DNS on an OpenBSD 6.7 system using NSD,
Unbound and Opendnssec.

I seem to have arrived at a point where the ods-signerd daemon crashes on
startup i.e.
> # ods-signerd -dv
> OpenDNSSEC signer engine version 2.1.6
> Bus error in ldns_rr_clone
> Threaddump
> Threaddump
> Threaddump
> Threaddump
> Threaddump
> Threaddump
> Threaddump
> Threaddump
> Threaddump
> Threaddump
> Bus error

AFAICT no core file is dumped/written, so I can't give you a stacktrace or
other useful info.

Also, another related issue. The RC script to manage Opendnssec reports a
status of OK even after ods-signerd has crashed i.e.
> # rcctl check opendnssec
> opendnssec(ok)

I only realised the issue because of this "hint" in the syslog.daemon file:
> ... ods-signerd: [util] pidfile /var/run/opendnssec/signerd.pid already exists, but no process with pid 60272 is running. A previous instance didn't shutdown cleanly, this pidfile is stale.

In the meantime it seems to have stopped logging even that message. I assume
I have made some configuration error and that that is what is triggering the
crash. I am open to helpful suggestions about what might be wrong, however
at this point I will probably reinitialise the configuration and try
starting again, from scratch.

I have a couple of other error that get logged, I don't know if they might
somehow be related ...

1. At startup NSD logs this, but then seems to carry on and function
normally, at least to judge by the log messages.
> ... nsd[84130]: zonefile /var/opendnssec/signed/xxx.de does not exist
That file does exist and is readable by _nsd (the associated username).

2. I am also unsure what this might mean:
> ... ods-enforcerd: [signconf_cmd] unable to notify signer of signconf changes for zone xxx.de!

Thanks in advance!


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