[Opendnssec-user] KSK rollover gone wrong

Jake Zack jake.zack at cira.ca
Fri Nov 2 18:54:02 UTC 2018

Is it possible you haven't published a new zone yet with the new key?

Can you force a re-sign?


-----Original Message-----
From: Opendnssec-user <opendnssec-user-bounces at lists.opendnssec.org> On Behalf Of Erwan David
Sent: November-02-18 2:41 PM
To: opendnssec-user at lists.opendnssec.org
Subject: [Opendnssec-user] KSK rollover gone wrong

Hi, it is my first KSK rollover with opendnssec 2.x (2.1.3)

As DelegationSignerSubmitCommand I have a script which sends me the new DNSKEY record.

So now I have following state :

root at ns:~ # ods-enforcer key list -v
Zone:                           Keytype: State:    Date of next
transition: Size: Algorithm: CKA_ID:
Repository: KeyTag: rail.eu.org                     KSK      retire    waiting for ds-gone      2048  8          b656abe183f04bb79532cef7e560f385 SoftHSM     60025 rail.eu.org                     ZSK      retire    2018-11-10
06:40:45      1024  8          3be292fdeffa05c2fb7094aad65bdc9f SoftHSM     58794 rail.eu.org                     ZSK      ready     2018-11-10
06:40:45      1024  8          06f37e2866ef467c02b1f14aa7835dc8 SoftHSM     33120 rail.eu.org                     KSK      ready     waiting for ds-seen      2048  8          27511d0b7ff7ca21510317ad95be546a SoftHSM     43375

So following the doc I issued the following

root at ns:~ # ods-enforcer key ds-submit -z rail.eu.org -x 43375
0 KSK matches found.
0 KSKs changed.

And DNSKEY 43375 is not in the signed zone (only 60025 for KSK).

My registrars checks I publish the DNSKEY record before publishing the DS thus I cannot add it.

What should I do in this situation ?


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