[Opendnssec-user] ods-signerd: adapter failed (Unable to open file)

Jake Zack jake.zack at cira.ca
Wed May 30 17:47:19 UTC 2018

Hey Randy,

Never done it under FreeBSD, but my guesses would be the files/directories mentioned in:

# grep File /etc/opendnssec/zonelist.xml
                                <Adapter type="File">/var/opendnssec/unsigned/ca</Adapter>
                                <Adapter type="File">/var/opendnssec/signed/ca</Adapter>

# grep -i working conf.xml

...as I don't know that ods-signerd writes much else (the rest done by enforcer or such).


-----Original Message-----
From: Opendnssec-user <opendnssec-user-bounces at lists.opendnssec.org> On Behalf Of Randy Bush
Sent: May-30-18 1:21 PM
To: opendnssec-user <opendnssec-user at lists.opendnssec.org>
Subject: [Opendnssec-user] ods-signerd: adapter failed (Unable to open file)

freebsd 11.1-RELEASE-p10
opendnssec version 1.4.14

ods-signerd: [tools] unable to write zone lr: adapter failed (Unable to open file)
ods-signerd: [worker[1]] CRITICAL: failed to sign zone lr: Unable to open file

how do i find out which file/dir is the issue?  is there a nice perms checker i can run?  can i have a pony? :)


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