[Opendnssec-user] KSK Rolloverdate in opendnssec2

Gerhard Schmidt schmidt at ze.tum.de
Mon Jun 11 06:28:40 UTC 2018


I'm using opendnssec 1.4 at work and opendnssec 2 on a club site.
opendnssec reports the next transition date for each key separately

x.de                        KSK           active    2020-01-26 12:04:17
x.de                        ZSK           active    2018-07-10 03:06:01

so i can see when i have to rollover the KSK as that has to be done

opendnssec2 reports for all keys the same date
y.de                      KSK      active    2018-06-20 02:23:05
y.de                      ZSK      active    2018-06-20 02:23:05

how can i get the date of the KSK rollover ind ods2?


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