[Opendnssec-user] softhsm

Daniel Griggs daniel at internetnz.net.nz
Sun Jul 29 21:02:19 UTC 2018

softhsm --show-slots

if no slots,

softhsm --init-token --slot <num> --label <name to use in Opendnssec>

if there are slots,

Verify that the token label is the name you have used in the Opendnssec

Also verify all you user permissions, i.e. the Opendnssec users needs to be
able to read the SoftHSM config and R/W to the token storage file.

On Mon, 30 Jul 2018 at 08:31, Randy Bush <randy at psg.com> wrote:

> a server developed hardware disease.  i spun up a vm and moved dns
> content over.  as the zones are signed, i am worried about expiration.
> so i tried to get opendnssec going.  but it is barfing on softhsm.
> ```
> /var/log/messages:Jul 29 19:45:42 rip ods-enforcerd: hsm_get_slot_id(): No
> slots found in HSM
> ```
> and my google fu is failing.
> clue bat, please
> randy
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Daniel Griggs
e: daniel at internetnz.net.nz
p: +64 27 448 8230
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