[Opendnssec-user] SIGPIPE kills ods-enforcerd in response to CLI commands

Peter Wemm peter at wemm.org
Thu Nov 30 05:38:32 UTC 2017

If I interrupt the output of ods-enforcer, the server gets killed with 

ods at ns-master:~ ods-enforcer key list -v | head -1
ods at ns-master:~ ods-enforcer key list -v | head -1
Unable to connect to engine. connect() failed: Connection refused 

 24256 ods-enforcerd NAMI  "/usr/local/var/opendnssec/kasp.db-wal"
 24256 ods-enforcerd RET   fstatat -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
 24256 ods-enforcerd CALL  fstat(0xe,0x7fffdf5f79a0)
 24256 ods-enforcerd STRU  struct stat {dev=1381458..., size=143360, 
blksize=131072, blocks=536, flags=0x800 }
 24256 ods-enforcerd RET   fstat 0
 24256 ods-enforcerd CALL  fcntl(0xe,F_SETLK,0x7fffdf5f7a00)
 24256 ods-enforcerd RET   fcntl 0
 24256 ods-enforcerd CALL  write(0xd,0x7fffdf5f7c5d,0x3)
 24256 ods-enforcerd RET   write -1 errno 32 Broken pipe
 24256 ods-enforcerd PSIG  SIGPIPE SIG_DFL code=SI_KERNEL

I've seen this on FreeBSD-11 and 12.  Anyone else see this or is it just a 
FreeBSD thing?

opendnssec version: 2.1.3

Peter Wemm - peter at wemm.org; peter at FreeBSD.org; peter at yahoo-inc.com; KI6FJV
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