[Opendnssec-user] sqllite upgrade to 1.4.18

Eliot Lear lear at ofcourseimright.com
Thu May 4 09:05:29 UTC 2017

This seems to indicate that the db is already converted.

On 5/4/17 10:27 AM, Randy Bush wrote:
>> You need to specify the database name as the argument to sqlite3.  Be
>> sure to make a copy first.
> # sqlite3 /usr/local/var/opendnssec/kasp.db < /usr/ports/dns/opendnssec/work/opendnssec-1.4.14/enforcer/utils/migrate_1_4_8.sqlite3                  
> Error: near line 3: duplicate column name: rfc5011
> Error: near line 4: duplicate column name: revoked
> Error: near line 19: UNIQUE constraint failed: parameters.name, parameters.category_id
> warmer, i guess.  thanks.
> randy

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